Today in this blog, I would like to take a moment to discuss the biggest mistakes and myth based on bodybuilding, as I said in the previous section many of them would be a victim of the myths and stories made by the people who don't know anything about fitness.
1. More sets = more muscles
One of the greatest mistakes we see among the beginners is that they think that the more sets and reps we do the more we build. But who actually wants to spend 2-3 hours in the gym squatting until one bleed their nose or deadlifting until they puke Training a lot will make you weak, 2 hours of intense lifting will make you lose your muscle and shrink because you're breaking down the muscle too much for your body.
While we exercise our body produces hormones such as testosterone and growth hormones such as insulin and also as a part if physical stress the body produces cortisol which increases blood sugar level and fights inflammation, but at the same time will decrease the correct usage of protein in our body causing the loss of muscle. The best way to control the cortisol level is to make your training sections short.
Studies have shown that weight training section of time between 45 min- 50 min and cardio between 30 min-40 min is best.
2. You have to feel the burn to grow
You may have heard several times people training, yelling each other saying just one more rep and you feel the pain or burn, they probably think that the more they feel the pain the more they build the muscle "no pain no gain" this is completely wrong. Burning or pumping is not a part of muscle growth What you feel as burning or pumping is the production of lactic acid that is produced due to the continuous relaxation and contraction of the muscles.
Lactic acid triggers what is known as 'anabolic cascade' which is the main part of growth hormone, but an increase in the amount of lactic acid will decrease the growth of muscle So when you see guys with drop sets, supersets and giant set trying to gain that burning sensation they are actually making their muscle weaker.
Now you might be thinking, then what is the perfect strategy for building muscle it's simple 'overloading' which we will get know in details in the upcoming sections.